Saturday, May 8, 2010

Our trip to Spain

We recently returned from a wonderful vacation to Spain -- 11 nights in total. Our home base was Sitges, a beach resort about 20 miles south of Barcelona. The apartment is the the vacation residence of our friends Sito and Imanol, who spent a week in our South Boston apartment last summer while we were on Cape Cod. It was part of, a program we've been participating in for the last several years.

We spent several days touring Barcelona, relaxing in Sitges, and one weekend, traveled by train to visit Sito and Imanol at their primary residence in San Sebastian on the Atlantic coast. During the last three days of our trip, wonderful friends from Switzerland -- Irene, Henri, Karin, and Paul -- flew down to spend time with us. A memorable trip filled with laughter, great conversations, and lots of food and wine.

We took more than 400 photos, and below you'll find an edited version that includes some of the highlights of our trip.

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