Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Our get-away to the Cape

We escaped to Provincetown, at the tip of old Cape Cod, for the long Columbus Day weekend. Our friends Jan and Phyllis let us borrow their beach cottage (thanks again, ladies!), which is just a few doors down from where we've been spending our last few summer vacations, so the turf was very familiar. October is a great time to visit Provincetown, and this year, the weather was stunning: four days in a row of 65 degrees with a steady breeze. As usual, Otis was in his element on the beach (which makes sense, since he is a Portuguese Water Dog) and like always, he played hard and slept hard. We had no agenda but to drink coffee every morning at The Wired Puppy on Commercial Street and enjoy the beach. I even bought a book (gasp!) -- John Irving's "A Prayer for Owen Meany" and read about 50 pages -- a major accomplishment! Here are a few photos from our get-away. (I also took some video on my Flip camera - but can't figure out how to load them into iMovie. Grrrrr....)

Our view from the cottage.


  1. Great shots! Looks like a wonderful time. I've never been to P-town or the cape (even though I lived outside of Boston for a short time as a kid). Makes me want to add it to my list of places to go. One of these days.

  2. The Cape is so beautiful this time of year. Your pictures capture it perfectly.

    A Prayer for Owen Meany, that's one of my favorite books!

    Yes, you should see the Peabody Essex. They're not open weeknights. October is Salem's crazy season so unless you want to see both the Halloween festivities and the museum you might want to wait till November.

  3. I've only been to P-Town twice...the last two summers for Bear Week. I'd love to see it in off season. The peace and quiet and cooler weather sounds so amazing!

  4. nice pix! Great job.
    Have you read goodnight moon? You might be able to get through that one in 4 days!

  5. Yes, K, I tried "Goodnight Moon". I thought the plot was convoluted and the characters were not believable. I also thought it was a tad long.
