Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Today in "big mouth" news...

A Stoughton (MA) man stuffed bags of cocaine in his mouth to avoid arrest in a supermarket parking lot on Tuesday. Police were watching as two men allegedly participated in a drug transaction. When they approached the pair, the suspect spoke through clenched teeth, leading officers to suspect he was hiding something. Police say the man eventually spit out the contents of his mouth: 11 bags of crack cocaine, valued at about $500. Police say the man also had $200 in cash in his hand. "Not guilty, Your Honor!"

Conservative talk show hose (oops...did I mean "host"?) and professional cry baby Glenn Beck has been dropped by New York radio station WOR due to poor ratings. According to news reports, Beck's radio show is due to go off the air in two weeks. Although Beck's radio show is the third-biggest in the country, WOR program director Scott Wakefield told the New York Daily News, "Somewhat to our surprise, the show wasn't getting what we wanted."

Former Massachusetts state senator Dianne Wilkerson will be sentenced tomorrow for taking nearly $24,000 in bribes, including $1,000 she stuffed in her bra, unaware that she was being photographed by the FBI. Wilkerson pleaded guilty last summer to taking the cash from undercover agents in exchange for securing a nightclub liquor license and backing legislation to jumpstart commercial development in Roxbury, the Boston neighborhood she represented. She faces up to four years in jail. And now for the "big mouth" part. "Your Honor, I appeal to you for mercy,’’ she wrote to the judge who will preside over her sentencing. “Please allow me in your compassion and wisdom the opportunity to redeem myself. I am asking you for a second chance to try again.’’ Prosecutors argue that a four-year prison term is warranted because of Wilkerson’s "history of ethical lapses and illegal conduct, including a 1997 conviction for tax evasion". Oopsies!

Yes, this video is real. Be very afraid.


  1. I love your news round up although that last video is frightening to say the least.


  2. the promo photo shock was enough for me to decline watching the video, thank you very much !
