Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Elisabeth Hasselbeck reads the New York Times?

Whoopi Goldberg is thinking pretty highly of herself these days. If you've not seen this clip for yesterday's "The View", I urge you to watch it (unless you've just eaten) to get a sense of how off-base and big-headed Whoopi has become.

To sum it up, Whoopi was "embarrassed" and "hurt" by a recent New York Times article that talked about the racial diversity among the nominees for this year's Academy Awards. It seems the article mentioned several black actors and actresses who've won Oscars in recent years. But because of what Whoopi labels as "sloppy journalism", her name was left out of the article. (She won an Oscar for her role in "Ghost" in 1991.)

"I am embarrassed to tell you it hurt me terribly," she said on Monday's cluck-fest. "When you win an Academy Award, that's part of what you've done, your legacy. I will always be Academy Award-winner Whoopi Goldberg, and [I] have been dismissed and erased by The New York Times film critics, who should know better."

"Not only am I an Academy Award winner," she said as she hauled out her Oscar statue to show her studio audience. "I have made over 50 films. I have been nominated twice – once for The Color Purple, once for Ghost. And I won for Ghost. This is not hidden information, and to these two critics, who are the head critics of The New York Times ... it's hard not to take it personally. There's a lot of stuff that people say and do but this is sloppy journalism. People in Somalia know. People in China know. I know it's hard to believe, but I'm a worldwide person who's known."

Late yesterday, a spokesperson for The Times responded to Goldberg's rant by saying, in part, " The point of the piece was not to name every black actor or actress who has been awarded an Oscar, it was to draw a comparison between the number who won prior to 2002 (the year Halle Berry and Denzel Washington won) and those who have won since."

To me, Whoopi's statements are right up there at the top of the obnoxious meter. What an ego! And whipping out her Oscar like it's a medal she earned for curing polio or orchestrating a mission to Mars? So pretentious! Really now, she won an award for playing - let's be honest - a character who's very simliar to her usual Whoopi schtick. Whoopi Barrymore? I think not.

In any case, "The View" co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck says she is siding with Whoopi and -- get this -- as a sign of solidarity, says she is cancelling her subscription to The New York Times. I don't know why, but the idea that Elisabeth Hasselbeck ever read The New York Times is somehow the most ridiculous part of this entire story!


  1. celebrities do get swelled heads, don't they ?

  2. I was embarrassed that anyone won an Academy Award for 'Ghost'. ...so there, Whoopi.

  3. The ego is pretty obnoxious. I've tried to watch the View a few times but I can never get through it.
