Saturday, July 2, 2011

A celebrity sighting (or two) in Provincetown

Hey, remember me? Summertime is finally here and I’m hoping that with a bunch new work projects launched, I can get back to this blog periodically. That being said, I probably wouldn’t be writing a blog post at nearly 10:00 pm on a Saturday if it weren’t for a little peer pressure from a fellow blogger.

If you read down the right side of my blog, you’ll see that one of the blogs I regularly follow is written by “BosGuy”. I don’t remember how I stumbled across his blog, but I started reading it about two years ago. Then when I joined a local gym, I met BosGuy “in the flesh”. He’s one of the nicest guys you’d ever want to meet, always quick with a smile and something charming to say. He’s also made quite a name for himself with his blog, with lots of followers and pick-up in local media.

Anyway, Peter and I drove down to Provincetown today with our friends Robb and Salvador, and who do we run into at the Boatslip for after-beach cocktails but BosGuy. We all chatted for about 15 minutes, during which BosGuy asked me if I had fallen off the blogging train. “Just a little sabbatical,” I assured him. Then I thought the easiest way to get back into blogging was to post a photo, so here’s a shot of me and BosGuy on the deck of the Boatslip.

BosGuy wasn’t the only “celebrity” at the deck…we also spotted Reichen Lehmkuhl. Memba him? He and his former partner won season 4 of the reality game show The Amazing Race. He went on to date singer Lance Bass and recently starred in another reality program called “The A-List: New York”, which I’ve never seen but has been described as the gay version of the “Real Housewives” franchise. This afternoon, we saw Reichen and his posse strut through the crowd at the Boatslip. As Salvador pointed out, Reichen has very white teeth.


  1. So cool when bloggers get to meet, especially if they're both bloggers that I read regularly! It's even more fun when I get to meet them. I'll have to work harder on that...

  2. OMG. It's alive. ALIVE!!!!!!!!!! (you'd have to take it from 'Frankenstein')

    Maybe one day work will take me to Boston and I can just host a lunch where I meet all my B-town blogger guys.

    Welcome back. You've been missed.

  3. I was pleased as punch to see you posting !
    I had nearly given up.

  4. You clearly have a very broad definition of the word "celebrity"... It was great to see you as well. Did you happen to bump into Mo Rocca? He was there as well.


  5. Hey BosGuy: in the "blogging" world in which i live, you rank right up there as a celebrity. Can't wait for your book to come out!!
