Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fireplace project 2012 nears a conclusion

You may recall that a few weeks ago, we were still struggling to get our new gas fireplace up and running. Well we took a big step forward last week, as the stonework was finally completed. The next (and hopefully final) steps will be to install a mantle (we’ve got a few options in mind), re-painting the walls surrounding the fireplace, and getting that picture up on the wall. Anyone wanna come over for s’mores?


  1. the fireplace looks fab, but digging the entire room: the light, the red chair, etc. Nicely done.

  2. How terribly butch Michael. Looks very good. Belated congratulations on the new home BTW.

  3. What a terrific, masculine room. I want s'mores!

  4. So beautiful! What a fantastic, warm, inviting room.

  5. I think it looks lovely as well.
