Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snowy solitude in Southie

I’m sometimes amazed that even though we live in the city of Boston, we have such easy access to a 22-acre park a few blocks from our home. And on snowy Saturday mornings like today, we pretty much had the place to ourselves. There were a few brave joggers and a couple of other dog-walkers around Castle Island this morning. And while I wouldn’t want it any other way, it does surprise me that the park is not filled with other visitors enjoying our first "real" snowfall of the season. The ocean was a flat steely grey, looking more like a lake than the Atlantic, and dry, fluffy snowflakes were blowing in every direction. Save for the occasional planes arriving at and departing from nearby Logan Airport, it was quiet and quite peaceful. Otis, who never met freshly-fallen snow that he didn’t love, was in his glory, chasing his “Soft-Bite” flying saucer and barking with doggy joy.