Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Move aside, iPad...there's a new kid in town

OK, so I've figured out that it wasn't actually the internet connection that was screwing me up...it was trying to use the "blog by e-mail" feature on my iPad. To make a very long and boring story short, the iPad doesn't play nicely with the program (Blogger) that I use to create posts. So I had to sneak in the back way, and update this blog via e-mail. This presented several limitations, including no control over the size of photos. So I've transferred all of my photos from my phone and camera over to Peter's Mac, which I'm supremely happy that he decided to bring along, so now I'll blog from a "regular" computer. See? I told you it was a boring story. But hopes are high that my blogging issues are behind me. Onward and upward!

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