Saturday, October 6, 2012

A walk around Beverly Hills

I actually had a good night's sleep. That usually doesn't happen when I travel to the West Coast, given the three hour time difference. But I was up early, so I grabbed an extra large cup of Starbucks coffee from the bar downstairs and headed out to enjoy the early morning air. I strolled up and down the streets in the section of Beverly Hills near the hotel. A few impressions:

Given that it was early on a Saturday morning, I understand that it's going to be quiet. But it was really, REALLY quiet. Occasionally, I 'd hear the whir of a lawn sprinkler or the gurgle of a fountain, hidden from public view, or a few birds singing. It was lovely but a little odd. I'm guessing this is not a neighborhood given to a lot of noise.

Most homes in this neighborhood are big, many look like fortresses, surrounded by fences or high garden walls. And many homes are shut up tight and have bars across the front-facing doors and windows. Signs promoting the many security systems that in place dot front lawns and fences.

I love the tall palm trees and the tropical gardens. One home had dozens of multi-colored rose bushes in its front yard; I could smell their sweet perfume way down the street.

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